Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Dreams of make-up brushes danced in her head.."

I literally dreamt about brushes last night. I have a lot of nice ones, but they are all the same sorta. The dream must have ment I need to go buy a few speciality brushes. I saw a brush by Chanel at Macy's for eye shadow that I can't find on the Chanel website otherwise I would link to it. Bare Minerals also has a few brushes I would like and were even in my dream haha.
A shopping journey seems to be in order


  1. hey there i noticed you just started your blog!! congrats congrats(: i'm sure you'll go far...just keep keep posting and send traffic your way by reading lots of blogs and commenting and commenting(: your first few postings can be rough as it seems like so much effort and you wonder whether others are reading it but trust me you'll get there(: good luck!


  2. I tag you to see how much your face is worth!
    Check out my version:
